2021-2022 University Catalog 
    Jan 19, 2025  
2021-2022 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Additional Nursing Requirements

Student Orientation

All students are introduced to the online classroom and American Sentinel resources in the orientation course. In this interactive orientation course, students are given an opportunity to learn more about what it means to be a student at American Sentinel College of Nursing & Health Sciences and how to approach all courses. Orientation covers the following:

  • How to navigate the online classroom (Moodle).
  • How to register for courses, check grades and plan courses.
  • Time management and weekly planning.
  • Introduction to APA formatting and the writing center.
  • How to format and upload an assignment to Moodle.
  • Tutorials on common computer skills and TurnItIn.com.
  • How to contact advisors and professors.
  • Course expectations.
  • How to use the 24/7 virtual librarian service.

Students are guided through the academic catalog and other resources to better understand the College's academic processes. They are given access the College's forms for use with the registrar. At the end of orientation, each student works with their student success advisor to create a schedule for the remainder of their program.

Nursing General Education

American Sentinel College of Nursing and Health Science at Post University General Education curriculum promotes an integrative academic experience to support the acquisition of the abilities, skills, and knowledge-sets fundamental to life-long learning and the enhancement of professional and civic lives in our global society. This policy is applicable to undergraduate programs.

The General Education program serves the RN to BSN, RN to BSN Powered by SIMPath® and RN to BSN/MSN programs. 

General education courses are specifically developed for the General Education Program to provide students with exposure to a variety discipline. This helps them internalize key concepts in the subject area and apply these concepts to problems and issues in their lives and in their coursework. Area disciplines include those that address English, human communications, mathematics, natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities.

The general education program has the following student learning outcomes:  

  • Critical thinking  
  • Communication Competency
  • Knowledge Acquisition

The following procedures establish the requirements for the General Education curriculum at American Sentinel College of Nursing and Health Science at Post University. Critical thinking, communication competency and knowledge acquisition are threaded throughout the general education curriculum with additional opportunities to augment these abilities, skills, and knowledge-sets in the students' major field of study.  

To support our students, an integrative "vertically designed" program was identified and developed to realize expected student capabilities across the curriculum rather than within one specific course. This approach provides students with flexible points of entry.  Our skills-based program enables students to draw clear connections between skills developed in general education and those developed in their majors. 

The current institution-wide requirements for general education are divided into four categories: Communication Competency, Humanities, Behavioral and Social Sciences, and Science, Mathematics, and Information Technology.

Required Credits for General Education by Category

General Education Categories

Credit Hour Requirements

Communication Competency

6 Credits


9 Credits

Behavioral and Social Sciences

9 Credits

Science, Mathematics, and Information Technology

6 Credits


30 Credits


Programmatic General Education Curriculum Requirements - Individual academic programs may set additional requirements for general education to be completed as part of their programs, including specific course requirements, and requirements for minimum numbers of credits in courses designated to focus on specific competencies (such as writing, statistical methods, or analytic reasoning).

General education courses are specifically developed for the General Education Program to provide students with exposure to a variety discipline. This helps them internalize key concepts in the subject area and apply these concepts to problems and issues in their lives and in their coursework. Area disciplines include those that address English, human communications, mathematics, natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities.

The Dean facilities the recruitment of subject matter experts and faculty members to develop and enhance the general education courses in conversation with the instructional designers, Dean, and faculty leaders. All general education courses must adhere to rigorous criteria that include but are not limited to the following:

  • Development according to University Policy AA7.04 Program and Course Development.
  • Course review by a designated faculty reviewer.
  • Course approval by the Curriculum Committee. 
    • Approval requires that outcomes are appropriate at the course and program level.
    • Verify that hours of engagement and preparation supplied by the course developer meet credit hour requirements.
  • Two-thirds of the overall course content meets the criteria outlined to meet a course category.

All courses in General Education are expected to address at least one identified core principle to align with RN to BSN, RN to BSN Powered by SIMPath® and RN to BSN/MSN program outcomes and objectives. The following table outlines the four core principles and/or values.


University Principle

General Education Outcome


Develop Communication Competency - Knowledge foundation that prepares students for capstone projects.


Knowledge Acquisition


Students held accountable to academic standards and ethical conduct during their course of study.


Global Civic Engagement - Knowledge, skills, attitudes necessary to engage appropriately and effectively in globally diverse, interconnected environment.   Students reflect on individual values and responsibilities in the global society. 

Practice Experiences

The accreditors for the Nursing Programs at American Sentinel College of Nursing & Health Sciences at Post University require that RN to BSN, RN to BSN/MSN, MSN and DNP programs include "practice experiences" in the curricula to enable students to achieve the required educational competencies (AACN White Paper, Oct. 2012; DNP Essentials for Doctoral Education for Advanced Nursing Practice, 2006; ACEN 2013 Standards).  These "practice experiences" have specific objectives, expected outcomes and competencies. Students who complete these experiences are evaluated by the Practicum Coordinator.

Practice experiences are not like the clinical experiences you completed to obtain your degree as a registered nurse. Practice experiences do not involve hands-on patient care. They are designed to provide you with the opportunity to apply the concepts and knowledge you learn in the nursing courses.

Practice Experiences in the Nursing Programs include a combination of practice learning experiences (PLE), precepted practice experiences (PPE), simulation experiences (S), and capstone hours (CH). Different nursing programs have different types of practice experiences imbedded in the curriculum:

  • Practice learning experiences (PLE) are embedded course assignments (i.e. interviews, shadowing, etc.) that occur at the workplace or other healthcare setting. PLEs do not require that students obtain an affiliation agreement or preceptor. Example: A student in the Community Health Nursing course interviews a community health nurse to learn more about her or his role in the community.
  • Precepted practice experiences (PPE) are practice experiences embedded in courses that occur in the workplace or other healthcare site. PPEs require that students obtain a preceptor that meets the stated requirement for a preceptor and is employed at the site of the PPE. PPEs may require that students obtain an affiliation agreement if required by the workplace or the healthcare site.
  • Simulations (S) are practice experiences that involve participation in a variety of virtual settings. Example: A student participates in a windshield survey of a virtual neighborhood. These hours count toward the total practice hours for the RN to BSN program.
  • DNP Project Hours (DH) are practice experiences in the DNP Program that occur during students' scholarly work on their DNP project. Example: A DNP Executive Leadership analyzes the data obtained from a project where he or she replicated a previous research study by administering a survey to staff nurses about workload. These hours count toward the total practice hours for the DNP program.

Practice Experience by Program

  Total Practice Learning Experience Precepted Practice Experience Simulation DNP Project Hours
RN to BSN 90-100 X   X  
RN to BSN/MSN 490-500 X X X  
MSN (Nursing Education, Case Management, Informatics, Infection Prevention and Control, and Management and Organizational Leadership Specializations) 400 X X X  
* MSN Nurse Practitioner (Family Nurse Practitioner, Adult Gerontology Nurse Practitioner, and Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Specializations) 630-720 X X X  
DNP (Educational Leadership, Executive Leadership, Informatics Leadership, and Professional Leadership Specializations) 600 X X X X

*The MSN-NP specialty tracks include 540-630 hours of required precepted (clinical) practice hours in population specific areas. This is in addition to non-precepted PE hours: 45 from N515PE and 45 from N522PE for a total of 630-720 depending on the specialization

Examples of Practice Experiences

  • IDENTIFY a trouble area in your healthcare organization and assemble a plan to address it (example: plan to reduce the number of patient falls in a unit)
  • EXPLORE "Sentinel City®" by riding a virtual bus and cataloging social and environmental issues in the community
  • USE your skills to assess a virtual patient and create a discharge plan for that patient based on your observations
  • SHADOW a nurse leader with experience in your specialization, paying special attention to how they apply nursing theory in their daily work
  • DEVELOP an educational session that focuses on evidence-based practice in the nursing field
  • INTERVIEW someone in upper management about the stewardship activities of the organization
  • REVIEW the structure of your organization and note both the formal and informal power structures and alliances that influence decision-making


Precepted clinical experiences provide an opportunity for students to apply concepts and demonstrate clinically advanced, master's-level competencies in real-world, face to face patient practice settings. Precepted clinical experiences are completed in clinical specialization courses, under the supervision of an approved preceptor. The Nurse Practitioner (NP) clinical courses are designed to provide nurse practitioner students with hands-on clinical experience in a variety of clinical settings that align with the course, program outcomes, and certification concentration area. The clinical coursework allows students to demonstrate the competencies and communication skills required of a nurse practitioner.

All NP students will complete precepted clinical experiences in their program tracks. There are 540 required hours in the AGNP/FNP tracks and 630 required hours in the PMHNP track. In all clinical courses- in addition to participating in the online classroom modules each week- the students participate in hands-on patient care under the direction and supervision of an approved preceptor. This clinical hour component involves direct patient care as required by our accrediting organizations.

Each student is responsible for selecting an appropriate agency and a preceptor for each clinical experience and ensuring that the required documents are completed and submitted to the Clinical Coordinator in a timely manner. The Clinical Coordinator must approve the selection of the site and preceptor. Students are not eligible to enroll in a clinical course until the required documentation is submitted. Additional documents include a fully executed Affiliation Agreement with the clinical sites. Castlebranch compliance must also be maintained throughout the NP program.

Certain state boards of nursing have requirements that must be met before you start a clinical experience in that state. Please make a note of this in your time frame, as some require notification of a plan for clinical experience up to 60 days in advance. It is the student's responsibility as well to review specific state requirements related to clinical preceptorship experience.

It is important to select a primary care location for your clinical site. All students in NP specializations require primary care experiences. It is recommended that FNP students complete all their clinical hours in a primary care setting. AGPCNP students will complete clinical hours in the primary care setting but may spend a limited amount of time in other sites as listed below upon approval of the clinical coordinator/NP program director.

Students will be removed from a clinical course term if all requirements (listed below) are not met by the end of Week 1 (Monday of Week 2). The Clinical Coordinator reviews and make the decision regarding participation in all clinical courses.

  • Final passing grade from prerequisite didactic course      
  • Preceptor approval letter
  • Affiliation agreement
  • Castlebranch compliance
  • Plan for NP Precepted Clinical Experience


Preceptors are professional role models and mentors that students will need for practice experiences and clinical work in certain courses. Preceptors are chosen by students and must meet the following requirements:

  • Preceptors must have a minimum of a degree the same or higher than the student's degree program (Example: MSN students will need a preceptor with an MSN or higher, NP students need a preceptor with an APRN or higher, DNP students need a preceptor with a DNP or higher).
  • If the student is in the DNP program, the preceptor must have a doctoral degree.
  • The preceptor must be currently licensed to practice as a registered nurse in the state where the preceptor practices nursing.
  • Preceptors cannot be in a direct reporting relationship with the student at his/her place of employment or someone who is related to the student.
  • Preceptors cannot hold student status in the same degree program or in the same graduate certificate program.

NP Clinical Preceptors are professional role models and mentors students will need for precepted clinical experiences and clinical work in certain courses. Preceptors are chosen by students and approved by the NP clinical coordinator. All preceptors must meet the following requirements and receive prior approval:

  • Preceptors must have a current unencumbered state license and national certification, as appropriate, in the population-focused or specialty practice area. Advanced practice nurse preceptors must be master's or doctorally prepared.
  • The preceptor must have one or more years of experience in an area of practice relevant to the student's clinical need.
  • It is recommended that students complete at least two of the clinical courses with a nurse practitioner preceptor (50%). It is preferred that students complete all clinical courses precepted by a nurse practitioner. However, there may be circumstances where the qualified practitioner is other than a nurse practitioner (e.g. MD or DO).
  • Due to the difference in the focus of training, a Physician's Assistant is not eligible to precept NP students in this program.
  • Additional information about preceptors and the precepted clinical experience can be found in the current NP Clinical Guidelines.

NOTE: If you are unable to find a preceptor that meets these requirements you may petition for an alternate preceptor. You must submit the CV or resume of your proposed alternate preceptor along with the Exception to Preceptor Requirements form (found under Required Documents in the course) to the practicum coordinator.  NP students are encouraged to work with the Clinical Coordinator to meet specific requirements for NP preceptors.

Nursing Programs Requiring Preceptors


Courses with Precepted Practice Experience or Clinical Hours

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)

N532PE, N533PE, N534PE, N537PE, N570PE, N571PE, N572PE, N543PE, N544PE, N508PE, N535PE, N527PE, N530PE, N525PE, N540PE, N545PE

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)

(Nurse Practitioner Specializations) 

N581, N583, N589, N599, N585, N561, N563, N565, N567, N569

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)

N705PE, BUSI700PE, N715PE, N720PE, N735PE, N702PE, N710PE, N712PE, N714PE, N742PE, N751PE, N752PE, N753PE, N754PE, N756PE, N781PE, N782PE

Approval of a Preceptor

Every preceptor will need to be reviewed and approved by the Practicum or Clinical coordinator before any students begins their practicum hours. Once students find a preceptor that meets the requirements for their degree, they will complete the following forms to begin the approval process:

Students will begin the preceptor approval process by completing the appropriate form and providing information to contact their preceptor. Preceptors are notified to complete their section of the form and provide information on the facility with which they are associated. They will also need to provide documentation in the form of their resume and RN license. The practicum and clinical coordinator are only able to review each preceptor once all the necessary documentation and information has been received.

Upon approval, students will receive notification from the practicum and clinical coordinator. Student should save this documentation as it will be requested in each precepted course.

Preceptor Disclaimer

Students are encouraged to seek experiences/preceptors that will broaden their experience and knowledge. Start with personal or professional contacts, and then expand your search as needed. Our programs allow students the privilege to obtain their own preceptor. We recognize that you may know and have a professional relationship with a healthcare provider in your community willing to participate in your learning experience. Similarly, securing your preceptor allows you to find a location convenient to your home and work schedule.


If you are enrolled in the RN to BSN/MSN, MSN or DNP programs, you need to establish a CastleBranch account. If you are enrolled in the RN to BSN program, it is unnecessary for you to establish a CastleBranch account.  Students in the NP program must maintain a current CastleBranch account for the entirety of the program NP students may not engage in activities without a compliant account.   

CastleBranch provides a secure document tracking and repository service that collects, tracks and monitors your required documentation for the practice experiences or clinicals you do during your nursing program at American Sentinel College of Nursing & Health Sciences at Post University. This is a "one-stop" site for you to upload all of your required documents necessary for compliance. Students continue to have access to their documents after graduation. CastleBranch monitors your posting of the required documents and contacts you automatically if you need to update a document.

CastleBranch Requirements

NOTE:  This list is subject to change based on any other current requirements.   



Background check

By signing up for CastleBranch, you agree to a background performed by the company. Background checks differ slightly by state.  Required to renew annually for NP students.   


An acceptable photo is like a passport photo: no accessories, neutral background, no side photos, no filters.

For security purposes, most healthcare organizations require that students wear photo identification cards on their clothing that is always visible when onsite.

Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR)

Immunization records showing proof of MMR vaccination, or blood work showing positive antibody titers for all three components.

Influenza (flu)

Documentation of Flu shot administered within the last flu season. Medical and religious declinations may be accepted.

Varicella (chicken pox)

Immunization records showing proof of varicella vaccination, or blood work showing positive antibody titers for the virus. Non-responders will be accepted with medical documentation.

Hepatitis B

Immunization records showing proof of all three hepatitis B vaccinations, or blood work showing positive antibody titers. Non-responders will be accepted with medical documentation.

Tetanus and Diphtheria

Proof of booster within the past 10 years.


Submission of one of the following will be accepted:

  • 1 step TB skin test within past 12 months
  • QuantiFERON Gold Blood Test
  • T Spot blood test
  • Positive results will require a chest Xray from past 5 years or TB Questionnaire.

Physical Examination

Nursing student health form completed and signed by physician within the past year.

RN License

Copy of current unencumbered RN license within the appropriate state of residence.

Health Insurance

Health insurance card showing proof of coverage or signed waiver verifying responsibility for all expenses related to illness or accidents that might occur while acting as a student in the program.

OSHA Certification

OSHA certificate for or screen capture of course completion for:

  • Hazard Communications
  • Bloodborne Pathogens

HIPAA Certification

HIPAA certificate or screen capture of course completion.

CPR Certification

CPR certification card (back and front) from:

  • American Heart Association (AHA) provider
  • Red Cross CPR for Rescuers and Healthcare providers.
  • Certifications in accordance with AHA curriculum.
Drug Test NP students are required to upload a copy of their drug screen results completed through CastleBranch.  This will be required annually.  
COVID Vaccine

One of the following is required:

  • Documentation of your COVID-19 vaccination(s).  If your series is in process, submit your first vaccine and a new alert will be created for you to provide your second vaccination, if applicable.  Documentation must include the vaccine manufacturer.


  • Exemption Request Form (available for download)

DNP Project

The program requires a scholarly evidence-based quality project. The subject area is determined by the student in consultation with the DNP Project committee chair/mentor and must meet the academic standards of the College. All research is subject to the review and supervision of the American Sentinel College of Nursing & Health Sciences Institutional Review Board. The DNP program has been designed with both the coursework and project in mind. As students progress through their program, they will also be working on the project.

Examples of projects completed by past students can be found in the Library.

General Overview of the DNP Project

The DNP Project is based on applying an evidence-based practice intervention to address a problem/issue and evaluating the impact of the intervention on an identified outcome. This is known as Implementation Science.

  • Discuss project ideas
  • Assigned a DNP Project Chair
  • Research Background Information on Project Idea
  • Begin writing project section I
  • Select Committee Members
  • Begin writing project section II
  • The Proposal Defense
  • IRB approval
  • Complete conduction of project
  • Begin writing Project section III
  • Final Defense

Research Paper

  • Section I - Introduction

The introduction covers information about the problem/area of interest and what has already been researched in the literature.  In addition, why (purpose of the project), how important (significance of the project), and the foundational theory on which project is based are addressed.

  • Section II - Methods

The Methods section covers the conduction of the project.  A detailed description of the project including the design approach, potential participants (sample), estimated sample size, place (setting), tool (survey/questionnaire) used to measure the outcome are included.  In addition, the method of data collection, analysis, management are addressed.  Considerations to ensure ethical protocol and factors that could threaten validity are essential elements of the project conduction methods.

  • Section III - Results and Discussion of Findings

This part of the DNP Project reports on the research methods and actual procedures used to conduct the project.  The participants and the setting are described in detail, and the major findings are discussed with the background of Literature and Theoretical Framework.  The implications for nursing practice, recommendations, and contributions to the nursing profession are highlighted in this section.

Practicum Workrooms

Students who need to make up Practice Experience requirements may need to enroll in a practicum workroom to complete the work. A fee of $400 per 8-week term will be charged for students who need to enroll in one or more Practicum Workrooms to complete practice hours because they received transfer credit for one or more MSN courses that did not contain the required practice hours or enrolled in the DNP Executive Leadership or DNP Informatics specialization and did not complete 400 practice hours during their master's program. This allows students to earn the practice hours required to complete an MSN program (400 hours) or the DNP program (1,000 post baccalaureate hours). This fee is non-refundable once the 8-week term has commenced.

Program Switches

Students may change their program of study or specialization after consultation with Student Success Advisors. Changing a program of study or specialization will require a new degree plan issued by American Sentinel College. In addition, students changing a program of study will be assessed a program switch fee.

Students requesting a change of program must meet all admission requirements for the new program or specialization of interest. The Registrar's office completes an evaluation of all admission requirements to determine eligibility prior to completing any program or specialization switches.

Students in the NP program who desire to switch NP program tracks, after completing N580 (FNP/AGNP) or N560 (PMHNP), must repeat all NP Patient Population Focused Courses to address the patient focus for the new track. This is in accordance to the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculty (NONPF) NP Program Criteria that require "a clear curriculum plan consistent with nationally recognized core role and population-focused competencies and educational standards." Courses from N580 or N560 on will require repeat in the new specialty track selected (see list below).

  • FNP: N580,581,582,583,588,589,598 and 599
  • AGNP: N580,581,582,583,584,585,598, and 599
  • PMHNP: N560,559,561,562,563,564,565,566,567,568, and569

3P Exam

The 3P exam must be taken while you are in your last "P" course or if have completed all of the 3P courses.  You may defer only one testing period, or you will be asked to switch to a non-NP program.  You must also have a GPA of 3.0, and have completed a NP Castlebranch account that is considered to be compliant. To pass the 3P exam and move forward into the NP program, you must score a 67% or higher. If you do not score a 67% or higher you will be enrolled in the N523 Diagnostic Reasoning course and must re- test in Week 7 of that course. Failure to pass the N523 course and score a 67% or above on the second 3P exam attempt will prevent further advancement into the NP program.  You must pass both N523 and the repeat 3P exam to advance.  

Affiliation Agreements

An Affiliation Agreement is a contract between American Sentinel College of Nursing & Health Sciences at Post University and your chosen facility where you would like to complete Precepted Practice Experience Hours. Most (but not all) facilities require this agreement, and American Sentinel College will work with the facility to complete one. The College, however, does not require an Affiliation Agreement.

An existing Affiliation Agreement between American Sentinel College of Nursing & Health Sciences at Post University and a healthcare facility does not guarantee that a student will be allowed/approved to complete Precepted Practice Experience Hours within that facility. Both the facility and American Sentinel College must agree to the terms or an agreement will not be fully executed.

American Sentinel College of Nursing & Health Sciences at Post University enters into Affiliation Agreements (AA) with third party facilities in order to allow students to complete Precepted Practice Experience(s) at said facility. Precepted Practice Experiences apply to all MSN and DNP students.

Precepted Practice Experiences (PPE) take place at your work place or other healthcare site. PPE's require that you identify and obtain a preceptor who meets the stated requirement for a preceptor and who is employed at the site where you wish to complete the PPE.

For the NP program, the Affiliation Agreement is required for all Precepted Clinical Experiences.  Each student must ensure that there is an active unexpired agreement between Americal Sentinel College and the clinical site.  Please note the Affiliation Agreement must be fully executed to enter into your clinical site.  All correspondence surrounding the Affiliation Agreement and its completion should go through the Affiliation Agreement team at the email below.  

Things to remember when starting this process:

  • Once the form (see link below) has been submitted, a member of the university staff will reach out to the contact provided on the form and will copy you on the email so you can follow along in the process. This initial contact will happen within 10 business days of submission.
  • American Sentinel College does not provide/publish a list of facilities where agreements currently exist.
    • It is the student's responsibility to reach out to the facility to find out if there is an existing agreement, or the student can send an email to [email protected] to find out if a specific facility has an existing agreement.

Nursing Code of Conduct

Nursing students are expected to function within the framework of the American Nurses Association Code of Ethics for Nurses. Students may purchase the Code of Ethics for Nurses by contacting the American Nurses Association Publishing Company or by visiting the American Nursing Association Code of Ethics site

Penalties for Code of Conduct Violations

Penalties for violation of institutional policies, rules and regulations may be administered regardless of whether the actions of the student are civil or criminal violations. Whenever disciplinary actions lead to a student leaving American Sentinel College of Nursing & Health Sciences, grades will be assigned in accordance with university's grade policy and dates set forth in the academic calendar. American Sentinel may impose one or more of the following misconduct penalties upon individuals, groups, or organizations.

  • Admonition: This consists of a verbal or written warning. Verbal admonitions do not become a part of the student's confidential record held in the registrar's office.
  • Loss of privileges or imposition of certain tasks: Under some circumstances of misconduct, the university may deem it appropriate to take away certain privileges. The following penalties may be imposed:
    • Withholding of an official transcript or degree.
    • Blocking from enrollment for a specified period.
    • Failing or changing a test, course, assignment, or other grade.
    • Suspending library and internet access.
  • The student may also be required to perform certain tasks, such as making restitution-whether monetary or by specific duties-attending counseling sessions, performing additional academic work not required of other students in a specific course, complying with a behavioral contract, or paying special fees, fines or service charges.
  • Probation: Probation is levied for a specified time, the duration of which will be determined by the seriousness of the misconduct. Probation carries with it a warning that any further violations of university regulations may result in more serious consequences, including suspension or expulsion. The two types of probation related to the Student Code of Conduct are:
    • Conduct probation - A sanction that will be removed from the student's confidential record at the end of the period of probation.
    • Disciplinary probation - A sanction that may or may not remain a permanent part of the student's record.
  • Suspension: Continued and/or flagrant violations of the probation terms (or serious-offense cases) may result in suspension from American Sentinel for a specified period. The student is blocked from re-enrollment until he/she applies for readmission to the university and is cleared by appropriate officials. Suspension becomes a part of the student's permanent record in the registrar's office.
  • Withdrawal: Withdrawal is administrative removal of a student from a class or from the university and may be imposed in instances of unmet financial obligations to the university, for reasons of health or pending the outcome of competent medical evaluation. The withdrawn student may also be barred from re-enrollment until specific conditions are met.
  • Expulsion: Expulsion is permanent severance from American Sentinel College of Nursing & Health Sciences.
  • Revocation of degrees: The revocation of degrees may occur for misconduct of prior students.  Allegations of misconduct that may result in a revocation of a degree will be considered by the appropriate academic process.

Students may file an appeal regarding the Code of Conduct violation using the university appeal process.

Continuous Enrollment Policy

Continuous enrollment is defined as being enrolled in classes at American Sentinel without a break of eight or more consecutive months. Re-admission is necessary for any student who wants to resume degree candidacy after any of the following situations occur:

  • Withdrawal from College.
  • Failure to begin a course within eight months.
  • Interruption of continuous enrollment.
  • Disciplinary suspension, indefinite expulsion, or expulsion.
  • Returning for another undergraduate degree after completing an associate or baccalaureate degree.

If readmitted, students must follow the catalog in effect at the time of their reenrollment. In cases when the College no longer teaches required courses, the appropriate dean may designate a reasonable substitute. Any interruption in education may affect a student's eligibility for financial aid.